

pictures found which matches the given search phrase: 25 latest pictures

Nesting Goldeneye on the training grounds

Ms. Louise Brobæk Kiær Due trains towards the test DoMoreWithYourDog Novice. ©Louise Brobæk Kiær Due

Ms. Louise Brobæk Kiær Due trains towards the test DoMoreWithYourDog Novice.

Video duration 08:31 - The puppies are 4½ weeks old, and Squareclose Wendy (Nessie) takes really good care of them, being the best mum a puppy could have. So nice to see that the puppies seek the contact with her. ©Ravensbank Labrador Retrievers

Video duration 08:31 - The puppies are 4½ weeks old, and Squareclose Wendy (Nessie) takes really good care of them, being the best mum a puppy could have. So nice to see that the puppies seek the contact with her.

Ravensbank Camille has her claws cut - four weeks old. ©Ravensbank Labrador Retrievers

Ravensbank Camille has her claws cut - four weeks old.